
*Program Overview





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Beginning the MSET program was a dramatic step.  I was leery about what to  expect.  I have always enjoyed working with computers and have been intrigued by what is made possible through them.  I wanted to obtain my masters because that is something, at my age, I should already have.  I was always uncertain about what direction to go and what area I should consider.  The MSET program seemed to be an open-ended degree with endless possibilities for its application.  So, I began this journey.

The first two classes went well, as they began as face-to-face classes and our instructors were extremely thorough about how to use applications and giving timelines for assignments.  The next two classes were slightly more difficult as this was the first time I was totally on-line.  Again, both instructors were very thorough with their approach.  Being part of the "Every Teacher" cohort was also a great help.  A group of us formed a study group as well as close friendships.  Each class became somewhat more routine yet there were always challenges.  I enjoyed the message discussions with classmates of all ages and walks of life.  It was also very interesting to gain the perspectives of those who were not in the teaching area at this point in their lives.  The flexibility of the instructors was fabulous.  Every spring I would be stretched to the maximum with performances and assignments, but with their assistance, I made it through.

Now, I as have completed all my course work, I wonder where the time has gone. It really has gone by quite quickly.  As I have been contemplating what to put in my portfolio I am amazed at what we have been able to accomplish in that time.  I really have learned so much.  I have learned about new applications and how to incorporate them in ways that will be helpful to the students.  I have learned things that have been helpful to me. Many of the required projects have been useful in the current area I am teaching.  The projects have also provided ideas for other areas that I may have the opportunity to teach in the future. I have been made more aware of many thoughts and ideas that I have already had and added some new ideas to them.  I won't miss the late nights after bath-time and bed-time prayers.  But, I will miss the engaging dialogue with other educators as that is where I really learned the most. As I come to the end of this quest, I feel confident that I have acquired skills that will help me to guide the students I teach, as well as myself, successfully into the 21st century.